Vandana Sehgal and Arti Pushpendra
Valentine’s day or the month of February is a great reminder to fall in love with yourself. And when it is done through the process of writing it attracts multiple positive results. Writing is a form of self-love practice that everyone can do.
Not everybody can write, yet anyone who takes the significant step of writing must feel proud.
Being a writer isn’t easy. This requires loads of knowledge and boundless creativity. One needs to have the fearlessness to learn the art of putting thoughts onto paper and then put out honest emotions open into the world. Only after falling in love with the writer within, do you gather the courage to bare yourself and also commit to endless hours of hard work in developing the skill. Reading, researching, and writing are the few things that are part of the game.
To be fair, the journey of writing brings in uncountable failures and disappointments, especially at the initial stage. To grow or find a minuscule of acceptance in this area requires owning of your scars, and the wins equally. One of the best options is to embrace this journey because only you are walking on this path and your experiences make the journey unique.

Embracing the Uniqueness
We teach children and youth to be empathetic towards others. How about teaching them to love whom they are meant to be? Why not help them find their purpose in life? Because eventually that is what they will fall in love with and that version of themselves is whom they will adore.
Each one of us is a unique being, there is no second version. Own up to that uniqueness and be the writer you are meant to be. Writing is a soul-searching experience. The more you write, the more you want to delve within you to understand your spiritual self. The journey to great writing starts by looking inward.
Everyone says fall in love. The saying must go – fall in love with the wordsmith within you. And don’t abandon that wordsmith in pursuit of minor perfections.
Those who have a strong sense of love and belonging have the courage to be imperfect – Brené Brown
You are first and foremost a writer and the path to greatness lies in honouring that fact. This path will take you inward. The difference between good writing and great writing is enhanced self-awareness. When you begin knowing who you are and what’s your purpose, the process of writing becomes more of a journey than a task. This helps to shape up an identity that resonates with you.
It’s such a beautiful thing when you find the purpose of your life through writing. Words build, words break, and words unite. The power of words is eternal. It’s a point where you hear your soul’s voice more clearly.

Bring Stories to Life
Stories will always be prevalent. They will be passed down from one generation to another. Folk tales and myths will be a way of understanding the beliefs our ancestors held on to.
I always say that stories are always the same and repeated quite often but what sets a story apart is the way it is narrated. That defines uniqueness. The writer within you recognizes the theme of the story but also finds a way to enhance the story and its message.
Every successful writer believed in their storytelling abilities. They believed they had a story to share and it was important for people to read it. Words are weaved like magic in these books that make the characters come alive. The reader not only falls in love with the book but also the way the story is woven.
J.K.Rowling was so convinced with Harry Potter, that she did not care if it was a worldwide phenomenon or not. She wanted the story on paper and as a book so people in her immediate vicinity could at least read it. There was a restlessness and an eagerness to put the story on paper bring it live from her imagination on to paper.
Every author has a story to tell and to share that with as many readers as possible. This happens when fear of judgement turns into the courage to speak up your mind and faith in the story. You are in touch with the writer within and there is a conviction that the writer has something to say.
How to bring that storyteller within you to life? First is the belief within the storyteller hidden in you and then by beginning with the actual writing. Gradually you will find your voice and your unique style. Let the soul take over the story and fill all the papers with words.
There is no dearth of stories, no scarcity of narrative styles. It takes constant perseverance and self-conviction. And mainly, it takes a lot of self-love to gently guide the writer within.
It’s time to pick up the pen and start weaving magic.

About the Co-author:
Arti P is a writer and author of the book “Of Rains And More”. She has always written since a young age and feels that she was born to write. She is a mother to two tiny tots and is based in Mumbai.

About Co-author :
We all deserve to have everything in our life exactly the way we want it.The first step begins with believing that every moment is bringing an opportunity to be a new you. As a founder, I provide tools to elevate all dimensions of your life and I teach you the art of writing to reach to your true potential.
Vandana Sehgal | Founder – A New You