My lifelong love affair with poetry…

By Soumya Bharathi

Soumya Bharathi Guest Blogger I must have been eight years old when it first came calling. This urge to pen down the lines and words forming in my head. I was too young to even know the definition of poetry when it came knocking at the doors of my mind. Nevertheless, I gave in to…

Parent and Child – A Unique Bond

By Lalitha Balasubramanian

Lalitha Balasubramanian Guest Blogger Have you ever pondered over the complex relationship between a parent and a child? This is one of the most enduring relationships ever. A happy, healthy, well mannered child is a pleasure to watch, but very often, we forget to give a thought to the years of loving care that has…

Nice or Kind. Where Does the Boundary Lie?

By Vandana Sehgal

Sofia happily accepted a Facebook friend request from her mom-in-law. After a few days, she was included in a family Whatsapp group with already 25 members, without any consent. A few weeks later, she received another request from her mom-in-law on LinkedIn. She could not understand being followed, on a professional medium. She sensed a…

The Dos of Writing

By Vandana Sehgal

I struggle mightily talking about the Dos of writing because it talks about the behaviour of a person. On the other hand, many new writers ask me what they should or should not do to finish a project without getting drained out.  I am putting down all that has kept me highly focused in my…

The Do Nots of Writing

By Vandana Sehgal

Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on- Lousis L’ Amour After compiling a list of the Do’s of Writing, I am now gathering the courage to talk about the Do Nots of Writing as they literally, go hand in hand. Like the Do’s, the Don’ts list too…