Recently I read a post saying, “keep your dreams a secret, don’t tell to others and work on it every single day.” I agree with the second part of working on your dreams every single day, but couldn’t resonate with it being a secret.
When I reached my midlife, I so much wish I had spoken and lived my dreams from an early stage. I learnt pretty late the difference of living your life for others and with others. I assumed my life’s purpose was to keep family happy while letting them conquer their dreams. I was trying to live my life through them. Many women, esp. in my culture make such mistake. Now with my better understanding, I want to pass on this message that by living your dreams you lead a more fulfilling, and flourishing life. You feel happier from inside, to be able to spread more happiness within your family.
As I gained the courage, I figured out ways to live my dreams with them. I realised that, I had created an imaginary box where I had put myself in and was scared to move out of that perimeter. Talking and later walking on the path of my dreams, I could feel the positive shift within me and around me. My family started supporting with household chores, helped me in learning new technology; while kids became more responsible.
Believe in Yourself, Live Your Dreams & Inspire Others

The 5 reasons I figured out why we should talk about our dreams are:
Helps to Overcome Procrastination:
One big reason that stops us from living our dreams is procrastination. Most of us are good in breaking self-promises because nobody knows so it’s easier to avoid. We don’t find ourselves answerable to anyone. This lead to avoidance, rumination and enough reasoning to procrastinate. To overcome this spiral, one way is to tell as many people as possible. If you believe in yourself then no-one can stop you from fulfilling it, even when your family isn’t standing with you. By talking about your dreams you start send out signals of being serious and to some extend answerable to others. If this little pressure can help in charging our actions, then why not?
Helps To Collaborate with Like-Minded People:
After I found the courage to live my dreams, I actively started announcing my thoughts and ideas among people whom I could trust. This helped me associating with people with similar ideas and burning passion. It opened the possibility for new opportunities and better collaborations to ride on each other’s USP.
Helps to Stay in Growth-Mindset:
This is an additional benefit I found while I started sharing my dreams. I found myself more confident and courageous. The fear or what-if kind of mental dialogues reduced in quantum. I got to hear the inspirational stories filled with failure, success, struggle, tears, happiness, laughter and learnings. This transformed my outlook towards my struggles or pitfalls. I felt motivated to do more and be more.
Helps to get Innovative Ideas:
In being an entrepreneur I have learnt that two brains always work better. I actively share my dreams among people with whom i feel safe and trusted. This allowed me to receive honest suggestions and innovative ideas. Through this I polished another skill for myself – Listen with an open-mind, and measure with an open-heart. To be in the flow and follow my gut.
Helps to get Clarity
Challenges and roadblocks are part of the process of living your dreams. This sometimes come with confusion or even numbing of brain’s functioning. In such times, I look for a person with whom I can share my ideas and talk about my dreams. It always helps me to stream line my thoughts and work-out an action plan. For my dream to fulfil I have to move out of frozen state, and take an action.
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I am an author and a Holistic Wellness Coach. I actively work with women to help them find balance, health and joy in life. I love to talk about ‘Progressive and Positive Mindset’ and ‘Finding Feminine Confidence.’ I hold individual and group sessions to guide in living a fun, fulfilled and flourishing life.